Let's talk about the enormous elephant that grazes peacefully at the center of society
- It's 08:33 and you are on BlablaTv. Hello L. - Hello. - Thank you for being on this microphone ...
Another outburst by Joe Biden
"I'm proud to be, as I said, the first vice president ... the first black woman to serve with a black president". - Joe Biden, Current US President (2021 - ?) ...
“Good cop, bad cop”, or how to sell the Plague when you already have Cholera
" - Georgia! I told you no! “No” means “no”! - ... but Mom ! - There is no “but” that matters! You're not going to your friend's birthday party. I've told you a hundred times already: if you don't finish your meal of 5 fruits and vegetables a day ("frozen" or not, most of them are filled with GMOs, by the way), you will be punished! ...