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Report from the consumer association against plastic packaging which promotes infertility and diabetes
The International Plastic Organization defends itself by releasing a report mentioning the harmful effects on our psychology caused by negative reports, promoting cancers, ulcers and gastroenteritis.
The International Reporting Organization defends this by asserting that “it is he who says who is”.
Not wanting to be part of the controversy, the International Organization of Expressions affirmed that certain organizations wanted to absolve themselves of responsibility by “passing the hot potato”.

Very quickly, the International Potato Organization defends itself by asserting that it can do nothing if it absorbs plastic and chemical substances from its packaging, thus causing infertility and diabetes.

She adds that she is not the only one and that we should perhaps also look at soft drinks, cans, condiments, dairy products, fast food, cereals, children's food. , meats, fruits, frozen foods, seafood...
We interrupted her seeing that she had decided to recite millions of products from our daily lives, asking her if this concerned the majority of products. The International Potato Organization answered us in the affirmative.
Wanting to get involved in the debate, the International Biodegradable Packaging Organization proposed the option of completely organic packaging, containing seeds within the walls of the package.
" - In this way, no more health problems due to packaging and even better: the hope of a greener environment by even throwing our containers into nature".
Afraid of losing market share, the International Plastic Organization returned to the debate by asserting that if there were more positive reports about our World, then there would be fewer cancers, ulcers and gastroenteritis.
In the meantime, Bisphenol-A/S and Phthalates, contained in plastic packaging and absorbed by the products we consume, offer us a more exciting and challenging lifestyle; such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular problems, increases in blood pressure, reduced sperm motility, early puberty in girls, cancer, infertility, interference with generation and management hormones, neurobiological disorders, hyperactivity in children, autism and bone cancer in children.

" - In any case, we can say whatever we want about our plastic packaging, you will still agree with me that it spices up life a lot more.

We don't get bored thanks to us! And then, we stimulate scientific research which is now driven to find remedies against all of this. They have to be useful for something!” - reacted the president of the “Friends of Plastic” association.
Taking advantage of this opportunity to ask him what he thought about the excess mortality of wildlife and marine flora because of plastic microparticles, he replied:
“- It is always unbearable for me to see that some people are more interested in animals than in humans. Let us first take care of the poor who live on the streets and who do not have enough to eat. Then, we can all sit around a table and negotiate solutions to help tuna, salmon and plankton.
All right ?
Come on, have a good day!”.

*10 January 2024