When he was told about Bibi and his company, T*ump didn't hesitate for a moment and arranged to get her number.
A call.
A “— hey Bibi!
It's T*ump.
Donald T*ump.
How you doin'? "
Exchange of words.
A meeting.
Bibi appeared to T*ump as an unexpected opportunity to carry out his project: building a wall all along the US-Mexico border.
Finally “his project”… the project of his employers. The project of “those who know everyone you have to know to be”, that’s what he called them.
T*ump always wanted to be part of this small group of influential men: but due to his temperament as an excited child who doesn't hold still, he was thanked while giving him this hope "Could do better".
— Donald, you are not able to be part of our group.
- Why ?
- Why why !
Are we a golf club?
- No. How is this relevant ?
- Exactly ! None ! We don't enter our group like we would enter a golf club.
- How much ?
— How much?
— If it's a question of financing, there is no problem.
—Donald, Donald. How can I tell you… are we an association that begs for donations?
- No. How is this relevant ?
— This is all getting complicated.
We're going to do one thing: run for office, take some of the ideas we've put on paper and try to sell them. If you succeed, we will take a deeper look into your file.
- How is this relevant ?
— Have a good night Donald.
He, who was in the position of not having to worry about money to live, had therefore set himself a major challenge: “Me who seems independent, me who seems not to flirt with the lobbies , me who has the ability to self-finance, me who stands out from the crowd, me who speaks straight and tells it like it is, me who represents the hope and the American dream, me who is stylish, I can bring some of the craziest projects to fruition!
Why ? Because I'm rich, I'm an independent businessman, I know a lot of people and I want America to be great again! God bless you! ".
These projects in question were the proposals brought forward by “those who know everyone you have to know to be” which appeared in a document that any candidate for the presidential election had to follow. Basically, if you wanted to become president, you had to choose some or all of these projects which you then had to sell to the people. The most skillful salesman would therefore become the spokesperson for a global company whose goal was to maintain order.
“Maintaining order to maintain my lifestyle. Maintaining order to live like an emperor. Maintaining order to keep playing. Because I like to play.
And you know, without bets in life, there is only survival! » was a constant leitmotif that he told his wife every evening, just before starting his dessert.
T*ump therefore wanted to bet on crazy projects to show himself to the world and advertise his own company.
But above all and above all, to show that he is the most talented salesman who can successfully carry out the position of spokesperson for his future employers.
When he saw "The Mexican Issue", "The Guns Legislation", "The American Workers" appearing on the list of projects that had to be sold to the people, he jumped for joy and narrowly missed projecting Barron, his son, against the wall, holding his shoulders vigorously and telling him incomprehensible things.
The only thing Barron understood was that his father had to find, once and for all, a solution to his problem and stop putting his lips like that: "0". Barron was often ashamed of this detail.
His father looked like he had a crazy desire to offer oral sex.
What he understood later was that for adults, that crooked mouth and narrowed eyelids signified the insolent charisma of the story of a confident man who knew how to climb the ladder and profit of the system available to him.
To be continued…
- T*ump - Part 1 :